Monday, October 10, 2005

The unfunny part of being funny

Next week, Random House sends out the publicity on the book, and the books themselves. What I've found in the whole process is what every comedian finds, be he standup or writer or film maker. Getting the chance to be funny is deadly serious, and no fun.
Hopefully, I'll get a lot of calls from TV, radio and newspapers, wondering what kind of person could write these awful things. But the process of getting those calls is tedious at best.
Do I sound nervous? Why shouldn't I be? There's a lot riding on the success of this book. There's a very funny screenplay ready (which I now miss working on). There's a second book in my head.
And then there's the prospect of failure.
Shut up, will you? You're scaring off the customers. You're supposed to be funny, you dumb shit.
Ok ok.
Go read the stories on the book website. They're a hell of a lot funnier than me sitting here and grousing. There's also a funny part of the book on the Amazon site:
You'll like. Really.


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