Monday, October 17, 2005

Splitting headache

I was talking with a reporter today, one who may be doing a piece on me/the book/maybe the doc/who knows(?). I was trying to explain to him how one side of my head had to always be in this serious, empathetic mode. That's the doc side. Then there's the other side, the one that manufactures gross-out tabloid stories. I actually had my hand on first the left side of my head and then my right. I have no idea why I assigned the left side to the doc and the right to the book.
I used to know what left-brain and right-brain functions were, but I forgot. Did the side I grabbed correspond to the real function of that side? It isn't a bad thing to be this stupid.
I know the time is coming soon when some interviewer is going to start asking me how I cope with being in both modes at the same time.
Luckily both projects are finished. I was never in both modes on any single day while I was making these things. How could I be? But now, as the pub date approaches and sale(s) of the doc are imminent, I am going to be put in the position of TALKING about each one.
If the interview is about both, am I going to have to be tabloid funny one minute and (literally) deadly serious the next?
I better practice.
The best thing that can happen is that the doc airs sometime in February or March, after the first rush of the book blows over, but hopefully before it's remaindered.
Tomorrow, the Random House publicist is going to send me some questions to answer for the press packet that's going out next week. Let's see what I do with them. I'm more curious than you, believe me. I'll put them on the site when I'm done.
And, yes the actual book will be delivered to them and to me next week. I expect all hell to break loose the following week.
I can't wait.

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