Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Tosches day

Don't EVER spend the day reading Nick Tosches and then try to do business. Read him, sit and cry, wallow in despair, rip the flesh from your own bones, but NEVER, EVER send emails to your lawyer, editor, agent, PR rep or anybody who doesn't know you that well after reading him.
This morning I was sitting in a cafe eating breakfast and reading "Cut Numbers" again. I jumped when the waitress came up to my table, all blonde bouncy and cheerleader-like, calling me "sweetie." I jumped out of my skin because it was the part of the book where Louie is having a bad dream (like Louie could have a good dream, forgodssake). She interrupted me when the black bile of death was pouring out of the woman and beginning to seep out of Louie's wrists.
Things just got worse as the day wore on and I put "Cut Numbers" down and picked up "The Nick Tosches Reader."
I had to appologize to my editor at Random House for the hysterical email.
I still want to make a documentary on Tosches. I'm just not sure if I could stand it.


Anonymous said...

If you ever do a Documentary on Nick Tosches, please consider me for the soundtrack... We did an album together this year, and I have come up with some great ideas for a soundtrack.

Rick Whitehurst


Tim said...

Tosches is one of my favorites, as well. Liston and Dean M. books are pure brilliance (as is the Opium quest).