Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sex Scandals Are Always There For the Taking

Republicans have had the majority of sex scandals (usually homosexual and usually involving public homophobes). It’s refreshing to discover there may be a new sex scandal involving a heterosexual. If our ever-Prilocetic Veep really had a goomah with him when he went hunting and drinking, why should we, why WOULD we be surprised?

Is he not a man? Is he not dishonest to begin with? Is he not the Godfather and entitled?

What amazes me is that journalists have been unable to uncover the rampant decadence that always follows men of power, especially conservative religious fanatics. Is it any surprise to anyone that the most virulent homophobes are nearly always the most enthusiastic and least discrete (read: found in public)?

How come nobody, not even those who do not have editors breathing down their necks and bothering them about sources and attribution…bloggers, I mean. How come even bloggers never found out who was schtupping Jeff Gannon at the White House? (Does it have two “p’s?”)

Is there any doubt that somebody was? Come out, come out wherever you are.

So it took a shotgun blast at close range for MSM to wake up to the fact that Cheney is a lying sack of buckshot? Those of us whose job it is to size you up in the first 20 seconds after meeting you had sized him up in the 1970s.

Perhaps we shouldn’t have another Presidential election Instead, let’s have an “American Presidential Idol” show for the month of October 2008. Paula Abdul couldn’t be a worse judge of character than the millions of fools who voted for a chimp.

Shaking my head here at the fact that the Veep’s companion will get more play than the real blood that’s on his hands from the decisions he made in his official capacity.

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