Saturday, March 01, 2008

Tom to Hillary, Shut the Fuck Up

It may be true that an untidy cat box could beat sad sack John McCain this year.


Senator Clinton, please shut up.

Every charge you angrily hurl at Barack Obama gives the Republicans a talking point.

On yesterday's Sixty Minutes, you crossed an unforgivable line:

"You don't believe that Senator Obama's a Muslim?" Steve Kroft asked her.

"Of course not. I mean, that, you know, there is no basis for that. I take him on the basis of what he says. And, you know, there isn't any reason to doubt that," she replied.

"You said you'd take Senator Obama at his word that he's not…a Muslim. You don't believe that he's…," Kroft said.

"No. No, there is nothing to base that on. As far as I know," she said.

As far as I KNOW? What if the situation was reversed?

"Sen Obama, What about those smears that Hillary Clinton is a lesbian who likes to skinny dip with her Iranian `assistant...' and 'gal pal.' What do you think about those rumors?"

"She is a heterosexual happily married to former President Bill Clinton, as far as I know," Obama responds.

Who are you, Senator Clinton?

You are doing exactly what the Republicans do when they campaign.


PS said...

This is perhaps the most pathetic blog post I've come across. Shouldn't you be angry at Steve Kroft for asking such a ridiculous question - not once, but twice? Was Hillary's immediate response not "Of course not"? Your argument hasn't been thought out properly, and your analogy is completely ridiculous. You have every right not to support Hillary for president, but choosing this as a point of contention shows that it's time for you to retire.

Tom D'Antoni said...

And it is time for you to wipe that stupid smirk off your face and find some sunglasses that don't make you look like a dork.
Kiss my ass.

e cigarettes said...

any religion can rule a place or lead a nation as long as he/she listens to the people and is capable of reaching them.