Friday, March 07, 2008

Note to Network News Operations: There's War In South America

Here are a couple of headlines you might have missed.

U.S. Bombs Somalia

War Breaking Out In South America

You may have also missed seeing much about them on TV news. That's because the networks and news channels know nothing but the Presidential election. Why? Because there's conflict…drama…name calling…and it's like a movie that has us guessing at the thrilling conclusion.

There's no conflict in war. No drama. Is that right? They don't speak English and there are no stars, no people who are household names, even Chavez.

They can't look knowledgeable, can't primp, give good lines and smirk about war.

While Chris Matthews gets wood over fat Pennsylvania politicians in pissing contests, other things are happening in the world.

Did you know that Bush is trying to get the U.S. involved in another oil war? Greg Palast does and wrote about it here.

And Somalia? Where's that again?

I haven't seen anything about these issues on THIS site, either.

Even Olbermann could take time off from the endless Bill O'Reilly jabs (that shark has jumped over itself) and do a story about what's going on in South America.

I don't pretend to know much about it. There hasn't been very much on it in the news lately.

I'm writing this at 2:30pm on the West Coast. On the East Coast I guess the news has ended till Monday. Oh wait, the Wyoming Primary is getting an hour on each network.

Is 2 minutes 30 seconds on a new oil war in South America too much to ask?

first appeared on

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