Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Keyword For Dems: Competence

I started to write this last week. Senator Brownback's sham hearing on assisted suicide intervened and I posted about that instead. Yesterday, this site bannered a story in which exasperating-but-many-times-right Senator Joe Biden used the word "competence."

These should be the Democrats' keywords from this time forth: 1. Competence. 2. Incompetence.

You and I know that those who currently hold power are a pack of lying thieves, religious lunatics, sadistic and immoral perpetrators of evil, and despoilers of the planet.

The problem is that if you say these truths in public, you're branded a left-wing nut. Pointing out these truths hasn't been enough to shake the electorate out of the habit of voting for those who appeal to their worst instincts.

Here's the only issue that matters: competence. Progressives know how to run a government and conservatives don't. It is demonstrable on every level. From the broken furniture of the Medicaid prescription drug plan, to getting food and water to folks trapped in New Orleans.

At every turn, even when it comes to running wars, something that conservatives SHOULD be good at, given their love for starting them, they prove that they can talk a good game, but can't deliver.

The only thing they CAN deliver is dollars to themselves and the people who put them in power.

Even then they constantly get caught stealing.

We know how close they have come to making this country a police state. We know that (dare we say?) they staged what amounts to a coup in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. Doesn't matter, sounds like whining.

They can't pick up the garbage. This requirement of all local politicians must be required of Federal politicians. They have to do the job. It's simple. Republicans have failed. Democrats must point out how they have succeeded in the past; that they know how to pick up the garbage.

There's nothing more to say: Competence vs. Incompetence. Those are the talking points. No more, no less.

Ok, there is one other thing Democrats can do. When a Republican says you don't support the troops, you say, "OK, I'll make a deal with you, I'll start supporting the troops when you stop having cheating on your wife with the pizza boy.

That might shut him up.

This also appears on huffingtonpost.com.

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